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Mel's Book Blog

I read and review whatever strikes my fancy and many things strike my fancy. I'm particularly fond of Young Adult, New Adult, dystopian tales, and mystery thrillers. Easily distracted by the newest book in the shelf.

Currently reading

The Upside of Unrequited
Becky Albertalli
Tin God
Stacy Green
Arrows Through Archer
Nash Summers
If There's No Tomorrow
Jennifer L. Armentrout
Secrets of Power Negotiating: 15th Anniversary Edition (Inside Secrets from a Master Negotiator)
Roger Dawson

Playing Ball

Playing Ball - Kerry Freeman, Shae Connor, Kate McMurray, Marguerite Labbe I am not usually a big fan of anthologies because it takes a particular talent to convey a well developed story within the constraints of a short novella. Most short stories leave me wishing there was more to the story. However, I am a huge baseball fan and I love stories about baseball. And I loved this small collection of shorts. I thought they were all well written and I was left with a satisfied feeling at the end of each that the whole story had been told. Of course, Kate McMurray always tells a great baseball story. Her love of the game always comes shining through. And I was so glad to see Kerry Freeman's contribution. Her "Pine Tar & Sweet Tea" is one of my all-time favorite baseball reads and her contribution here did not disappoint. I had not read anything by Marguerite Labbe or Shae Connor prior to this, but enjoyed their stories very much and liked their writing style so I will definitely check out more of their books.

This anthology provided a great array of characters with well told stories and just the right amount of angst, romance and hotness in a small bite.