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Mel's Book Blog

I read and review whatever strikes my fancy and many things strike my fancy. I'm particularly fond of Young Adult, New Adult, dystopian tales, and mystery thrillers. Easily distracted by the newest book in the shelf.

Currently reading

The Upside of Unrequited
Becky Albertalli
Tin God
Stacy Green
Arrows Through Archer
Nash Summers
If There's No Tomorrow
Jennifer L. Armentrout
Secrets of Power Negotiating: 15th Anniversary Edition (Inside Secrets from a Master Negotiator)
Roger Dawson

Pretty Peg

Pretty Peg - Skye Allen This book is sheer brilliance. The scene descriptions are so vividly detailed that not only do you see them playing out in your head, you taste them, touch them, hear them, and smell them. It was a smorgasbord for the senses. Just a brilliant job of wordsmithing. The main characters were so authentic and their emotional chaos was told in such a way that I thought to myself “Yeah, I know exactly how that feels.”
I didn't just read this book, I lived it. A delightfully engaging read! Skye Allen, welcome to my OMG shelf!