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Mel's Book Blog

I read and review whatever strikes my fancy and many things strike my fancy. I'm particularly fond of Young Adult, New Adult, dystopian tales, and mystery thrillers. Easily distracted by the newest book in the shelf.

Currently reading

The Upside of Unrequited
Becky Albertalli
Tin God
Stacy Green
Arrows Through Archer
Nash Summers
If There's No Tomorrow
Jennifer L. Armentrout
Secrets of Power Negotiating: 15th Anniversary Edition (Inside Secrets from a Master Negotiator)
Roger Dawson

Joshua's Island

Joshua's Island - Patrick Hodges Joshua's Island gives us an inside look at the effects of bullying on its victims. The victims are not only the ones under direct assault, but the community at large, onlookers intimidated into silence lest they become the bullies' next victims. We see the pall of devastation, helplessness, hopelessness and isolation that bullying leaves in its wake. But we also see the grit and determination to survive.

Thirteen year old Joshua has endured the taunts and physical violence for three long years and is now a social outcast in his school with no friends and no one to help when the bullies attack. Every attack occurring under the watchful eye of an unseeing audience.

Eve unwittingly becomes friends with the school's most popular girl, Rhonda, not realizing that Rhonda is a catalyst for most of the bullying. She finds herself quickly demoted to outcast status when she goes against Rhonda's wishes and befriends Joshua. And so Eve finds herself also invisible to the crowd.

This is an inspiring story with an engaging cast of characters. My particular favorite being little ten-year-old Kelsey who valiantly shows us the power of one. One person, one voice with the courage to stand up and speak out is all it takes to turn the tide. To make a difference. To change your little corner of the world.

A terrific book which highlights a very troubling and pervasive problem in our society today. A must read for every teen.